Capping of ITC not reflected in GSTR-2A up to 20%
The central government vide Notification no 49/2019 central tax dated 9/10/2019 has made amendments to CGST Rules, 2017. One of the amendments is insertion of sub-rule (4) to rule 36 which is reproduced as follows:

Meaning and scope of Goods Transport Agency: An Analysis
Goods transport Agency (GTA) is undeniably one of the most unorganised sectors in our country. Road Statistik Nachhilfe transport business operates in a number of ways including goods transport agency, wayside transporters, courier agencies and so on google ads Agentur. Therefore, it is pertinent to test whether they would fall within the ambit of GTA. Consequently the taxation of GTA has been a contentious issue in the erstwhile Service buch schreiben lassen tax regime as well as in the GST regime. This article analyses the meaning and scope of GTA drawing inference from various judicial pronouncements.

Composition Scheme to Service Providers: A comprehensive guide
Earlier composition scheme was available only to manufacturers and traders; and service providers were kept outside its ambit. With effect from 1st April 2019, central government, on recommendation of the council has notified Composition Scheme for service providers vide Notification No. 2/2019 central tax (rate) dated 07/03/2019. Consequently Notification 9/2019 central tax (rate) amended the above said notification to make rules applicable to a person paying tax under section 10 apply to person paying tax under the said notification. Subsequently, On 5th April a departmental circular was issued to ensure uniformity. This article tries to analyse the various aspects of the said notifications and circulars in detail.

Utilization of ITC: Practical Scenarios
The CGST (Amendment) Act, 2018 has amended section 49(5) and inserted Section 49A and 49B which has drastically rationalised the utilization of ITC. This article is discusses the practical aspects on the new scheme of utilization of credit in the light of recent notification 16/2019 and CBIC Circular 98/17/2019.

GST on Real Estate: Development Rights, FSI and long term lease
With effect from 1st April 2019, CBIC vide a series of notification reduced the GST rates for real estate projects. Apart from various conditions to be fulfilled along with the new rates such as reversal of ITC, RCM on unregistered purchase; the notifications also introduced some changes in the taxation of development rights and Floor Space Index (FSI) applicable for all projects after 1st April 2019 and also to the ongoing project that have opted to pay tax at the new rate. This article is analyses the impact of these amendments in the context of Development rights and FSI.

Enhancement in E-Way Bill and Restriction under Rule 138E of CGST Rules, 2017
E-way bill is an Electronic bill for the movement of goods under GST which can be generated on the E-Way Bill portal. Recently some enhancements have been made in the E-way Bill portal which has been discussed in this article. Moreover, CBIC vide its Notification No 22/2019-central tax dated April 23 2019 has notified the provisions of Rule 138E of CGST Rules, 2017 imposing certain restrictions on taking EWay bill.

GST on Real Estate: Reversal of Input Tax Credit
With the series of changes that have been made effective from 1st April, 2019 the effective tax rates has come down from 12% and 8% to 5% and 1% in the case of construction of residential apartments and Affordable housing apartments respectively. Consequent to these changes the ITC has become ineligible and there is a need for reversal of ITC in cases where the promoter opts to pay GST at the new effective rate of 5% or 1%, as applicable, to the extent of the ITC attributable to the supplies whose time of supply (ToS) occurs after 01.04.2019. This article is aimed to explain the formula for reversal of ITC in coherent way possible.

ITR Forms for A.Y. 2019-20 : An Analysis of amendments and additional disclosure requirements
CBDT has vide Notification No 32/2019-Income Tax Dated 01/04/2019 released the new ITR Forms for AY 2019-20. While there is no change in ITR-1 (SAHAJ) meant for salaried assesses, there are some changes in ITR-2,3,5,6 and 7 for the Assessment Year 2019-20 with some additional reporting requirements for directors, shareholders of unlisted shares and for companies. Here is a detailed analysis of the amendments in rule as well as the additional reporting requirements.

GST rate for Real-Estate Projects w.e.f 1st April 2019
In the GST Council meeting held on February 24, 2019, the decision was made to cut tax on real estate projects to 5 per cent, from 12 per cent. It was also decided to slash the GST rate on affordable housing, to 1 per cent from 8 per cent, as per Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. These changes are applicable from April 1, 2019. Here is an analysis of the possible impact of the Rate cut on the real estate developer as well as the buyer.